Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week 12 Social Networks

Social Networking is not for me personally. I still prefer making contact by email to my friends and retaining a sense of privacy.

I however do believe that there is a definate place for social networking in our society. In particular giving country kids a medium to stay in contact with each other after moving away to the 'big smoke' for uni. So many friendships fall by the wayside due to lack of contact but is a way of ensuring the contact is not broken and if they feel alone they just have to log on and be with their friends.

I moved away from my home town to join the Army in 1975 and lost contact with so many of my friends over the years. If social networking was available then at that age I would jumped on board and embraced the concept whithout a second thought.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's never too late! Try searching for your friends now, who knows, they may have had the same idea and be looking for you too! I know many people who have rekindled primary school friendships through Facebook and the like. Definitely a good alternative/complement to more traditional communication technologies.