Sunday, April 27, 2008

Week 9 Podcasts and audio

I can see real potential for Podcasts within the library system, especially for those in country areas with limited access to their local library. Also for library staff in country areas who miss out on all the training sessons that city librarians are able to attend. Wouldn't it be great if they were all podcast so we could also have the opportunity to keep up to date.

For the sight impaired how wonderful to be able to listen to a book review or an interview with the author.

The only problem that I can forsee is the IT issues that would restrict our patrons in accessing the podcasts because we dont have broadband at our library. This means that I cannot even do this training at our library and have to do it all at home.

It was another learning curve in havng to download a program to be able to veiw the podcast on my computer.

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